That was one epic performance of shoving a month’s bullshit into 2 hours as only Donald Trump can do. God, he loves the sound of his own voice. They escorted his heckler Al Green, out immediately, however, when the two howling monkeys Boebert and Greene did worse to Joe Biden during his SOTU Address they kept their seats. Can’t qwhite put my finger on the reason.
It really was. Without a strong Constitution check and balance in play, America is in for a long nightmare. It was good to see SCOTUS rule against Trump this morning. Not everything we wanted and by a slim majority, but still, I'll take it. Thanks Peter, for always sharing your crisp insights. And yes, you put your finger right on the issue.
That was a great little win for the people from SCOTUS. At the end of the day, they can't possibly just cut people's ability to live a decent life off from them. You have to pay for work that's been completed, and if Congress has put it into law that aid be given, it should simply be left alone. That's Trump's personal MO on doing business with people, but you can't run a country that same way.
Thank you Mitch! This was a shitshow from the start. And I agree with @Peter, that once Al Green was escorted out, FOTUS took it as permission to take this all the way off the rails and into a space of full throated authoritarianism.
That was one epic performance of shoving a month’s bullshit into 2 hours as only Donald Trump can do. God, he loves the sound of his own voice. They escorted his heckler Al Green, out immediately, however, when the two howling monkeys Boebert and Greene did worse to Joe Biden during his SOTU Address they kept their seats. Can’t qwhite put my finger on the reason.
It really was. Without a strong Constitution check and balance in play, America is in for a long nightmare. It was good to see SCOTUS rule against Trump this morning. Not everything we wanted and by a slim majority, but still, I'll take it. Thanks Peter, for always sharing your crisp insights. And yes, you put your finger right on the issue.
That was a great little win for the people from SCOTUS. At the end of the day, they can't possibly just cut people's ability to live a decent life off from them. You have to pay for work that's been completed, and if Congress has put it into law that aid be given, it should simply be left alone. That's Trump's personal MO on doing business with people, but you can't run a country that same way.
Thank you Mitch! This was a shitshow from the start. And I agree with @Peter, that once Al Green was escorted out, FOTUS took it as permission to take this all the way off the rails and into a space of full throated authoritarianism.
How do u/how does one, even keep up!😒🎃🤥